New Website

Hey Everyone, 

Thanks for taking a minute to come over to check out the new website, or if by chance you just noticed it at random. This new platform is going to make things way smoother with a ton of added benefits including the following. Alerts! - If there is a product out of stock please sign up to be notified via email when it is back in stock, i'll be working to make sure even if you sign up for a variation of a product that you will still be notified. Product reviews are also a new feature that I'm not sure how I lived without. If you have purchased a product that is listed right now on the website please take a minute or two to leave a review on it, i'd greatly appreciate that as well as future customers purchasing a product. I'll be utilizing this blog area and my mailing list a lot more from here on out to make sure to keep you guys all up to speed on what is going on. This summer has been crazy busy with the kids birthdays and just summer activities in general which I am sure you are all experiencing as well. Have a good week and as always thanks for your interest in what I do!

Justin Koch

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